Monday, September 6, 2010

Still Without Full Power

So due to the fact that we are still running on half power, the people in the center that don’t have a/c are currently staying at a hotel.  Hopefully this problem will be resolved soon, but because today is Bonaire Day, it will be at least another day, if anything. 

Yesterday, we did a snorkeling trip to Lac Bay.  Lac Bay is a pretty shallow place.  This was in preparation for our independent research projects.  Our leader, Sarah, took us “extreme snorkeling”, meaning that we were dodging fire coral while in the surf at the entrance to the Bay.  The payoff ended up being worth the scary experience of following her, because we got to see a golden spotted eel swimming around, a spiny lobster in a hole, and a manta ray (which is apparently is a rare thing).  The manta ray was pretty large and it was fun to see how graceful he was when he started swimming around.  It was really fun to just sit and observe and watch all of the creatures interacting with one another.  I would have to say that this was a very cool first snorkel for me.  The only problem is that I would like to do a research project that requires me to scuba dive, but at the same time I don’t want it to be too complicated a data collection process.  I will have to see what I can come up with.

Today, the morning started off with a fish identification quiz followed by the primary care part of the Emergency First Responder course.  All in all it was a pretty easy morning, except that a girl in the program was bit by a dog today on her run.  There were only two wounds, one on the front of her calf and one on the back of her calf, but she walked into the house with blood running down her leg.  There are a surprising amount of dogs running around the island, and so I can’t say that I’m surprised that something like this would happen.  She is okay and doing fine.  The people in the program took a look and are might try to get her into the hospital just to get a tetnus shot.  There are no rabies on the island so luckily that is not a concern.


  1. Wow, a manta ray!! How cool is that?!? Sounds like an amazing dive, even if it is snorkeling :-) I'm so excited that you're getting such good experience in the water, and refreshing on the EFR training. What a drag you're still at half-power, but glad that your a/c is working. Hope your fellow student is okay. Scary to be bit by a dog; hopefully it won't keep her out of the water. Keep up the good posts! LYM

  2. Hi Quinn,

    A manta ray had to be so awesome! Are you eating good food and sleeping well? I sure am glad that you have a/c. Today is Labor Day so Reg and I first went to Home Depot to buy some pots and plants for my new office, then we went and bought hot dogs! Now we are watching a college football game. Are you going to keep a list of all of the creatures you see this semester? It can be like a life long bird list for a birdwatcher. Lucas leaves Thursday morning for Lake Placid. I haven't heard from Hannah since her boat docked in Spain. I am loving keeping up with your adventures on your blog, so thanks for updating it. Miss you and love you, J-fer

  3. Q - i wish i could come see all those fish with you! it is fabulous that you are seeing so many new things. You will always have a different perspective about the water than most people. So cool! I love you! AC
