Saturday, September 4, 2010

Learning About Living on an Island

So the reason that I haven't posted anything in a while is that two days ago, on the second, the block that the study center is housed on went down to half power.  We have currently been going on two days without air conditioning in the main living area and no internet.  Luckily, the research center across the street has internet so this is where I am sitting in order to write this post.  I have also been very fortunate that my room has complete power so that our a/c unit has been working at night.  Another important thing that has been down is the refrigerator.  We have no way of keeping anything that we have bought at the store cold.  This did not affect me as I ran out of milk, the only thing I needed to be kept cold, the day before this whole incident began.  Most people do not have power to their rooms and have been slowly melting in the heat.  It has gotten to the point that going outside is cooler than being inside, which is a strange concept to me.  Marissa and I have one girl that is squatting in our room.  I made an offer for anyone that wants to be in our room to come sleep there at night, but I have only had one taker.  It's their choice, so who am I to stop them.

On September 2nd, we did underwater navigation in the morning and some rescue skills.  I was not particularly good at navigation, but I make one hell of a panicked diver seeing as how I almost managed to turn over and push my dive buddy under.  I would have, but I figured that I had made my point at didn't need to do much more.  I'll write more later, but I have to go.  Love you!

1 comment:

  1. Is it normal for the electricity to go to half power? Hopefully not, but I've heard of "brownouts" in places around the globe. Good that you didn't pull a "Vicki" on your rescue diver :-) Stay cool, stay happy, and stay safe both above and below water! LYM!
