Sunday, September 5, 2010

Playing Catchup

On Thursday afternoon, we did some more diving.  We took a quiz on coral and fish identification and did more rescue diving skills.  That night was also had a speaker coming from University of Santa Barbara.  I am sure that what she had to say was extremely interesting, but after 12 hours of class none of use were in any sort of shape to listen.  She also made the talk one and a half hours instead of the suggested forty-five minutes.  She talked in way too much detail for people that are not that familiar with biology.  Thursday ended up being a very long day

On Friday we did a boat dive.  With this third specialty dive, I have now become an adventure diver.  Two more specialty dives and I will be an advanced diver.  Yay for progress!  But any way back to the boat dive.  We traveled out to Angel City, supposedly named for the many angelfish that are there.  We didn’t see many or any at all for that matter.  It was a fun double reef meaning that there was one reef ending in a flat sandy split leading to another reef.  It was fun diving somewhere other than Yellow Sub.  We were all really excited about it.  It was also very fortunate that the ocean is so calm here, because staring at the horizon would have been a very hard, pretty much impossible feat.  No seasick divers in this crew!  In the afternoon we watched more rescue diver videos as well as the Emergency First Responder video.  The weekend finally came and we fortunately got to enjoy the place we are in.

Just to let you all know.  There was an island wide black out between 11:45pm and 1:15am Saturday night.  Very unfortunate, but was luckily fixed although the study center is still running on half power.  A little bit of a pain, but it still means that we have everything working in our room.


  1. Quinn, you sure are having an amazing adventure! An advanced diver in the family is pretty spectacular! Hey, I met the Dean of Faculty of Phoenix Country Day School the other night, Peter Flanagan-Hyde and he remembers you fondly. I told him what you are doing this semester in Bonaire and he asked me to tell you that he wants you to come be a guest speaker in his Environmental Science class when you return! Pretty cool Q!! It sounds like living on an island is a very different experience. I love your blogs and missed when you couldn't post, so please keep them coming. Be safe and have a blast. We miss you and love you here in the hot desert!! Love, Aunt Jen

  2. Glad the electricity is back on! Congrats on adventure diver! You should be doing your deep dive soon; right? Looking forward to hearing what that experience is like for you and the other divers. Does CIEE have its own boat, and how big is it? So glad the sea is calm. Is the coral colorful? So many questions, so little time! Hugs and kisses. LYMI
