Saturday, September 25, 2010

Just Another Rainy Day

In all seriousness, nothing really exciting has happened in these past few days after diving the Hilma Hooker.  There has been a tropical depression in the South Caribbean that has been spitting rain at the island for the past few days.  On Wednesday, we were supposed to go to Lac Bay to work on our research projects for a while, but that got rained out.  We were supposed to have another outing at Lac the next morning, but that got cancelled too, so we had class in the classroom and then had the afternoon off.  On Friday, we didn't have class until 11am, so we talked about our learning styles for an hour and went on a field trip to Mangazina de Rei.  It was were the slaves would travel to get provisions.  It is currently a museum and cultural center.  That was pretty fun.  The Lac Bay trip that was cancelled on Wednesday was moved to this morning, but was cancelled again until tomorrow morning, the day that our independent research project proposal is due.  It is really frustrating to have to figure how to do all of this and keep getting our schedule rearranged, but I can understand the necessity of it.  There has seriously been nothing to report.  Sorry for my first really boring blog.  Love you!


  1. Jennifer and I are just so glad to hear from you and grateful that you're taking time to write. Sorry that's there's tricky weather but it will get better.

    Jen and I are wrapping up Toukalot in preparation for coming home on Wednesday. No bear, just lots of raccoons in the night. Spencer is very attentive. So much love from both of us. Jen and Grams

  2. Quinn - I am glad for a boring blog. I am exhausted from reading all the exciting times you have had over the last month. Love Dad!

  3. We want a post! We want a post! We want a post!!! The natives are getting restless!! :-))))

    Seriously, hope everything is going well and that you're looking forward to Regatta Break. Hope your training for the swim to Klein Bonaire is going well too! Can't wait to hear all about it. Kisses. LYM!

  4. in my next post you will understand why i couldn't write the next post. trust me, i'm working on it.

  5. Hope everything and everyone is okay. You know how I tend to worry :-)
