Thursday, September 9, 2010

Current Events

I just felt like giving you an update as to what is going on in Bonaire right now, just because I have never experienced anything like this before.

Yesterday, before the dive at Windsock, we all noticed a fire on the north side of the island.
It turned out that a lightning bolt hit an oil storage facility and set it on fire.  Due to the lack of resources, this fire is continuing to rage as I type, and from what I heard, is lighting up the night sky.

The raging large!
I took these shots on the way back from the supermarket and it began to rain.  The drops were sooty and dark.  I'm sure that if you were to Google "Bonaire Fire" there would be plenty of news articles about it.  Considering that there is so much oil stored there, I'm afraid that there will be some giant explosion that will consume and destroy the island and the habitats and reefs surrounding it.

Just to introduce you all to another person, this is Mike.  He is a SCUBA instructor.  You have to appreciate the wonderful facial expression he made for the camera.


  1. Q, the adventure continues!! I will now google the fire! Darn it!! Your adventure continues to be unique!! Say hi to Marissa and continue to send the great photos. Do you want any particular news from AZ? Love you. Aunt Jen

  2. q I'm going to write real soon. XX

  3. Wow, so much going on in your world! The pix really bring it home, how big the smoke plume is. You're an I-reporter! The news stories say the fire will be contained by Saturday, and hopefully they're right. Will check first thing in the morning. Mike looks like a duuuuuuuude! A good person to have in the water, for sure. Have you guys done your deep dives yet? Stay safe, and thanks for the news/pics. Love you more. xoxo

  4. Your mom's right - you might consider journalism as a career. Good writing and terrific photos - thanks.

    You'll have much to tell your friends about the "quiet" little island of Bonaire on your return. Luckily your world is underwater so hopefully the soot won't interfere. Quite a story. Sorry you've had to worry but this morning's reports say it will be completely contained very soon since they're bringing in planes to douse the fire with retardant. Yes, Mike's happy face surely makes each day even a little more fun. Loving your blogs, Quinn, and now that I've figured out how to post (thanks to your mom and Jen) I will write regularly. Spencer is fine, the aspen are turning and the squirrels continue to rule the deck. Went to a CC alum luncheon where Susan Ashley spoke of the importance of the classics in the curriculum. "How can anyone consider himself educated without a class in Aeschylus," she asked. You must know about that.

    Thinking about you and sending you love. Grammy v v

  5. Latest news I found says the fire has been put out:

