Sunday, September 12, 2010

Circle Island Tour

Today, we took a tour around the island today.  I'm just going to let the pictures speak for themselves. Enjoy the beauty!
The Devil's mouth

Abandoned building

The oil reserves that were on fire on Thursday
The beautiful ocean facing Klein Bonaire from the north
Lake on the north part of the island
Flamingos! Bonairians love them
Kralendijk with Klein Bonaire on the horizon
The east part of the island
The slave huts on the south part of the island.  They look bigger than they are.

The salt mounds on the south part of the island.  Some of the pools are pink.  Really pretty!

And just to introduce you to another person.  This is Katie, and she goes to ASU.  She was the person that raced with me to catch the connecting flight in Atlanta.  She also studied Tiger sharks for two months in South Africa this summer.  She is really interesting and nice.  Just another awesome person on this trip.


  1. What a beautiful place! LYM!

  2. Flamingos! I wanna be there! Are the salt mounds naturally that shape or have they been dumped - which seems more likely? The slave quarters picture is particularly moving and well framed. Perhaps you can frame some of them at Christmas time. So glad it's all working out so well. ASU Katie looks like a good friend. Thanks for sending those pics so we can actually see where you are. Love ya, Grammy vv

  3. Q, not only do I want your lips, I now want your life!! Can I have it?? I too love the salt mounds. Your diving adventures are so much fun to read. I didn't understand how technical they can be. Good for you for learning all that stuff. It isn't surprising that all of your friends are awesome given this type of adventure. Thanks for the grat blog! Take good care of you. I miss you and love you.
    Aunt Jen

  4. This is a once in a lifetime experience! Thanks for sharing through your blog and pictures. Love Dad
