Wednesday, September 1, 2010

And the Fun Continues

So I was unable to write a post yesterday because all of the work that we had to do but I shall try to recap it as best I can.

After a morning in the classroom learning about the history of scuba and talking about identifying fish, we spent the afternoon doing checkout dives three and four for the open water certification.  While we were working on our first skill about ten to twenty spinner dolphins swam about thirty feet from us. The visibility was not that great so we didn't get to see them as clearly as we wanted, but we were at the surface and got to see them swimming! It was so exciting!  We could also hear their high pitched noises if we stuck our ears in the water.  At first we were just floating around and then all of a sudden our instructor Caren started yelling.  None of us could understand what she was saying.  I personally thought that something was wrong and that something very bad was going to happen, but we all eventually figured out that dolphins were just off shore.  That was easily the coolest thing that happened yesterday and I was really excited to write about it, but had so much work that we didn't have the time.

This morning we dive and started working on skills to get the advanced open water certification.  Today was peak performance buoyancy and underwater navigation.  We worked on staying motionless in the water, and I was good at it, but I did win scuba limbo.  That was at least a little validation.  We also started working on a site map.  My buddy, Tom, and I swam around and looked for five objects underwater so that we could make a map of the dive site called Yellow Sub.  We are going to continue this exercise tomorrow and finish the map up.

This afternoon consisted of rescue diver knowledge reviews, a skills workshop, and learning about coral.  Nothing too hard or frustrating.   I'm happy and having a good time.  This is the kind of experience I wanted and I am glad that I have made the decision to do it. Love you all!


  1. Does it get any better than swimming with dolphins??? What a thrill!!! I love the idea of diving to look for objects to make a map of Yellow Sub. So glad that you are having such a great experience Quinn. How many different colors of coral do you think you will see in a few months?? Your family loves you.
    Aunt J-fer

  2. I am green with jealousy, purple with apoplexy that I cannot be with you as you map the Yellow sub. What a great schooling unlike anything I ever had. I shall follow your blog as best I can, un-tech like I am. Have an amazing time-you earned it thru your perseverance and focus on your studies. Go girl!! Grampy
