Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Cool Again

After we came back to the house after Bonaire Day, all of the power was restored except for an a/c in one room that we all believe is a broken a/c unit and has nothing to do with the power.  These power outages are so frequent that we can no longer be surprised by coming back to the house after class and finding the power out, like today.

Here's a picture from Bonaire Day:

It was a pretty cool gathering.  Everyone was wearing blue, yellow, and white shirts (though you can't see it in this photograph) resembling the Bonaire flag.  These people have a lot of national pride and share it with Aruba and CuraƧao.  I definitely had a fun time.  I remembered to grab a few souvenirs while I was there.  I have plenty of time to get some more for everyone.

I will also include some pictures of the house and my room.
This is my bed in a certain state of disarray:

This would be Marissa's bed and our dressers.  Again, it is a bit messy because we had been running around a lot by this time and had no time to clean or organize.  Please don't judge.

The bathroom where we are clearly using the shower rod as an impromptu drying rack even though there are clothes lines out back.

This is the television area:

The kitchen:

If you were to turn to the right in this picture, you could see the television area.

This is the front of the house, not including the very large fence this is just outside of the field of this shot:

A view of the water front facing north.  You can see both Klein Bonaire and the North part of the island:

On the water front facing south towards downtown.  If you can see in the photo where the water gets dark, that is where it slopes down and the reef starts.

Now that I have some pictures included I can tell you about my day.  This morning we did a boat dive on Klein Bonaire called Keepsake to start our attempts at doing some scientific diving transects.  It was a lot of fun.  My buddy Beth was a dive master.  I think that I did pretty well at holding my own and staying calm.  We were using air at exactly the same rate which was really cool.  I like being so evenly matched in air consumption.  We saw a little sea turtle from the boat after our dive.  The other group was still under and got to see it swimming around after it had left the surface.  This siting makes me really excited to tag sea turtles later on in the semester.  In the afternoon, we did the secondary EFR skills, basically meaning first aid.  After class a bunch of walked downtown, got ice cream, visited a dive shop, and when to the super market.  It fascinates me how different  the grocery stores are here than in the States, but what could I possibly expect.  Every once in a while it hits me how lucky I am and how crazy amazing this program is.  How many classes involve going scuba diving and interacting with the environment?  Love it!


  1. Pictures!! Yaaaayyy!! Really great for giving everyone a sense of what your environment is. That's great. Glad power is back on. How are the grocery stores different? No American brands or just fresh stuff or no fresh stuff or what? Enquiring minds want to know! So glad you're enjoying yourself in that crazy amazing program! LYM!

  2. Quinn,

    Thanks for taking the time to post pictures. I love your room. It looks like an island setting alright! I love the pictures of the water and sailboats. Lucas is headed to Lake Placid today and looking forward to his semester. You three sure are going to have great stories around the dining room table! I know when I was at college in LaCrosse, WI, I was not scuba diving and tagging sea turtles. Love you. Aunt Jen
