Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Yay for Visiting!

So Mom is currently in Bonaire with me.  She and Ben have been here since Saturday and have been diving like crazy in one of the best places to dive in the Caribbean.  I'm so happy that they are here and that I have the opportunity to bum rides off of them in an attempt to go diving more often then I have been recently.  I logged my 50th dive today which is a really exciting accomplishment.  It has been fun to have them hear although I have been extremely busy.  Tomorrow is my 21st birthday as well as my presentation of my independent research project.  Sadly, I already want tomorrow to pass by quickly so I get my presentation out of the way and don't have to think about it anymore and go diving on Thanksgiving.  Luckily, we have a fun day planned with some really great dive sites in mind.  I just want to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving and tell you that I am thinking of you all and will see you all soon.  Love you!


  1. We just got back from the Hooker and Vista Blue. Surprised me how quickly Hilma came into view. I thought she was deeper, but at 37 feet, there she was. Very cool. Tarpon just hanging out. We swam around here and then into the reef. I was completely awkward and ugly on the exit. Flat on my back, like an up-ended turtle. Ben eventually got me upright, but my knees are going to be black and blue! Vista Blue, we saw a huge barracuda and a hawk's bill turtle foraging for snacky snacks. Ben's passed out for his afternoon nap. Happy bday again! See you in a few hours. I'm sending you good energy! xoxoxoxo. LYM.


    I will also be thinking about you as you present today! Imagine giving a scientific presenatation on your 21st birthday!!! Awesome. I am so proud of you and I am thankful for you. Have a great dive tomorrow on Thanksgiving! I love you.

    Aunt Jen

  3. HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY, Q-DELA!!! How did the presentation go? Was sending you good vibes! I am in LP with Lucas. I went to all of his classes today and he did presentations of some sort in most of them. He is incredibly articulate when he presents. Very fun to watch. He also cracked a joke in his English class that made everyone laugh. He is good. I can't wait to have all of you around the table for Christmas!! Lobster for everyone! And now that you're 21 you can have champagne. (But Hannah can't :) I love you and so glad your mom and Ben are there with you to celebrate!! XOXOXOXO
