Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Countdown Begins

Again, sorry that I have been abandoning the blog.  I'm sure a lot of you are wondering what is going on with me.  Tonight is the night were my final Independent Research paper is due.  We have all been working hard to get it done.  In addition to that, we have a lab write-up and marine mammal presentation due on Tuesday, and we are all feeling a bit burned out.  The fact is that we can all see the finish line, but there is a lot of work that will be put into getting there, and it isn't getting any easier.

On Friday night we went to a kunuku.  It is hard to explain what a kunuku is, but it is a really simple lifestyle that involves having recycled furniture and the ability to trade stuff like livestock, or crops.  In this case this kunuku had farm animals, and there were a lot of them.  We had these delicious fish burgers that were made from combining fish and potatoes.  It was fun.  I have to go because this paper won't write iteself.  Love you all!


  1. A kunuku sounds like a good way to live. I spent some time at Costco yesterday, and it looked like all of us should spend more time at a kunuku :-)

    Good luck on finishing the paper tonight and the presentation next week!

    And best of all (for me), is it is only six days 'til I see you! Getting my gear out today to make sure I've got everything. Oh, plain or peanut M&Ms?


  2. Peanut!! Go for peanut!! Wow, Q, that sounds like a LOT of work. Hope it goes well and that you get to celebrate lots when your mom is there.

    Love you! Auntie C

  3. Q, you are about the hardest worker I know. I am sure you are tired from all the work. I am looking forward to hearing what you learned. Maybee CC will seem easier this spring?? I love you and am so proud of you. Your Mom can't wait to see you in Bonaire! Love, Aunt Jen

  4. peanut please! and at least one large bag so that i can share a little and gain the adoration of my friends here. hehehe

  5. Bonaire was just written up in the NYTimes as the best place on the planet to scuba and snorkel. Does that help when you're up to your fanny in alligators?

    Thanks for taking the time to write us. We do hang on every word. You will have learned SO much from this. Eager to see you. Love, love, Grams

  6. Q,

    This is Arnaldo, Diego's dad. Can you send me an e-mail and let know how your project is going?

    You can e-mail me to my work e-mail

    For what I read it seems that you hav been workinglike crazy

    Good Luck!!!
