Friday, December 3, 2010

More Pictures

I did three more dives today: Red Slave, Red Beryl, and Karpata (in that order).  I took lots of pictures and thought that I would share some with you because I'm proud of how well they turned out.
Tiger Grouper

Smooth Trunkfish

Brittle Stars

Southern Stingray

Blue Parrotfish

Caribbean spiny lobster

Honeycomb Cowfish


Hawksbill sea turtle

And again

Find the sea horse

Foureyed butterflyfish

Peacock Flounder

Sun through the water

Lettuce sea slug
There are more to come once I get back.  I will be happy to share them all.  I love underwater photography despite its being so hard to catch some of these animals.  Love you all and I can't wait to come home for Christmas!


  1. Omigod, you saw so many wonderful things in three dives! A ray! A lobster! A seahorse! A turtle!! Unbelievable! And your photos are so good!! Aaaah, I'm so jealous and proud, my heart hurts! :-) Beautiful! Your readers need to know how unlikely it is that you see all of those things in the span of a day! Wow, I'm just blown away! I'm so happy for you too, that you had such great dives as your adventure draws to a close. How's Physis coming along? Did you guys put the issue to bed? Love you so much. Guess what? I'm picking up my drysuit today! Yaaaayyy!! xoxo Thanks for sharing the pix. They're great!! LYM! (I've exhausted my quota of exclamation marks for the day :-)

  2. Amazing photos. You should consider photography as a hobby. I borrow some of your photos to put on my facebook site because I am so proud of your photos. Soak in the last few days on the island. Love Dad

  3. Quinn,

    These photos are spectacular! Thanks so much for sharing them with us. I love the sea turtle, the lobster,the ray and the brittle stars.I can't wait for the next batch. I love living vicariously through your lens! Love you.

