Monday, October 11, 2010

Regatta Break and the Return to Class

Regatta Break was a much needed stress reliever as well as a recovery time.  I was sick for the first half of the week which was truly an unfortunate occurrence, but it was fortunate to happen over the break.  It was also a really rainy break.  At night when all of the fun, music, food, and partying going on it would rain.  Rain basically stops the island.  Marissa and  I discovered a leak in the middle of our room.  Potentially a very hazardous and slippery situation.  I did end up going on three dives, which was a lot of fun.  The first one we went on was named Lighthouse.  It is on the very southern tip of the island.  There was a wind reversal that left the south part of the island calm.  This was probably one of the only opportunities to dive the south tip.  It was a really cool dive with some fun topography.  We did this dive with a large group of people which as good.  I saw this weird Crown of Thorns/anemone hybrid thing.  I had never seen anything like it before.  The other two dives were on Sunday before we had to go back to class.  We went back to the Hilma Hooker.  I was happy to hang out on it a little while longer and look at it.  My dive buddy, Andrew, and I saw some large Tarpon, a large barracuda, and a fatty tiger grouper.  There were a lot of people diving it when we got there.  In the afternoon, after grabbing a quick sandwich, we went to one of the most popular dive sites, Karpata.  It was hands-down the most beautiful dive I have ever done.  I could have been down there for hours, if only I could.  There was so much to see.  The reef was covered in coral and interesting topography.  It was covered in lots of soft corals.  I want to go again.  The only unfortunate thing was the rough entry and bit of wave action, but it turned out to be a solid 57 minute dive. Mom, I think that this dive is what you were expecting to see in Hawaii.  It was the best ending to Regatta Break possible.

I have a feeling that school will be as busy as possible.  Already I have another long To Do List that will never get done.  I'm excited to learn about videography tomorrow.  I also calculated that I have spent over 24 hours underwater.  That is one quality day.  Love you all!


  1. That is one quality day, you are so very right! I can't wait to learn about what you learn in videography. I love thinking about being able to record the underwater experience. I look at those turtle videos three times a day, I swear, and they make me happy every time. Glad you're recovered and able to resume classes with energy. Only five weeks until we see you! Very exciting to even think about it. You can take us straight to Karpata. CAN'T WAIT!! Lincecum is pitching in the Championship Series on Saturday! Yaay!! Miss you. LYM!

  2. Q - what a great post! How fun that you are getting to do what you are doing! I was going to say that you need to take your mom and Ben straight to Karpata, and it appears that your mom agrees!! Enjoy every minute!! I love you and can't wait to have your fishy self home at Christmas! XO

  3. So good to hear from you, Granddaughter. I've been without a computer (a mouse is responsible) so your mom fixed me up with her old desktop so I can read your blogs and write to you again. Are you taking your vitamins? I have a friend who's been down in Bonaire many times and says it's the best diving sshe's ever done. Spencer sends his love along with mine. He's just been clipped - shaved - and is now much cooler. Love you bunches. Grams

  4. Hi Q! Your dives sound terrific. Are you taking underwater photographs for our viewing pleasure upon your return to Phoenix? You are one month and a week or so from your 21st birthday!! Woo hoo! I still remember that first sneeze when you were 10 minutes old! We all miss you, but glad that you are having an amazing adventure! Love, Aunt Jen

  5. How was the videography class?
