Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Adventure Continues

Yesterday, because I was one of the last six people to get on Bonaire, I missed out on the opportunity to go explore the island with the rest of the group.  But I manage to get the opportunity to swim in the ocean about a block from where I am living.  Naturally, because I have the best of luck, I got stung by something. Fortunately, the swelling and stinging pain has subsided leaving a red rash looking thing on my right wrist.

We also had our first orientation yesterday.  This was the part where the instructors talk about all the dangers of living on Bonaire.  I found myself throughly intimidated by the whole thing and was stressing for a while about how I was going to survive.  I calmed down once I was back in my room and had a moment to sort through all of my crazy thoughts.  

Last night, I had the deepest sleep I've ever had.  Clearly the fourteen hours of flying took a lot out of me.  At one o'clock lat night both my roommate and I woke up and weren't tired so we sat up at wandered around our room for a bit and then proceeded to crash again.  During that time, some of the other people wandered back into the study center and set off two alarms.  I was happy that  I was already awake because that would have been an extremely unfortunate wake up call.

Looking forward to a BBQ tonight after another orientation session!  Love you all!


  1. Hopefully the first line of defense regarding dangers on the island is your good judgment, which you have, bless your heart. After awhile you won't worry (hopefully). Is the water really blue, like HI, or is it Caribbean green? LYM!!

  2. Quinn, you sure have already had an adventure haven't you? Do you know what bit you today? Ouch. This blog is going to be so much fun. Your Mom sent the webcam for Bonaire and I have Bonaire on my weather channel when I sign on, so we have an eye on you!! Sure am glad that you are enjoying your roomie and the folks in the program. You are going to have such a great semester (once you figure out what bites.) I miss you. Love your Auntie. XO
